Located in the heart of Marseille, the Beth Habad Loubavitch Marseille Center welcomes you daily to meet your different community needs and help us with personal services.
... religious services
Talmud Torah
Bar and Bat Mitzva preparation
Marriage preparation
Verification and sale of Tefilines & Mezouzot
Torah classes on demand
Home tourists
Kitchen hiding
Téfilines Stand
Community chabat
Organization of hazkarot and minianim
... to social action
Delivery of meals
Delivery of races
Help with homework
Visits to the sick
Daycare after school outing
Present in the four corners of the globe, Habad Lubavitch institutions are committed to spreading the Torah by meeting each Jew and thus awaken the divine glow slumbering in each of us.
un Juif,
un Habad
With nearly 5,000 centers around the world, which has not yet experienced these convivial Habad atmospheres during
community gatherings, prayers and shabbatot. To taste the Lubavitch atmosphere is to adopt it immediately.
This enthusiasm reflects the need for our commitment to to respond to the different needs of the community in
which we make our contribution.
lessons in the service of action
Our main mission is to spread enlightened Judaism in which everyone
is welcome. Without distinction of beliefs, age, sex, social level, we
spread the teachings of the Rabbi of Lubavit, through the Habad
Hasidut, acronym for the terms Hohma (wisdom), Bina
(understanding), Daat (knowledge). To put it simply,
to adopt the Habad philosophy is to adhere to the
principle that our thoughts guide our language
from which our actions flow. By taking
part daily in the community life in
which we are involved, we measure
how many needs in social action are felt This is why we have chosen to provide our help by setting up personal services to help vulnerable people and families experiencing difficulties in the various daily tasks.
Our main mission is to spread enlightened Judaism in which everyone is
welcome. Without distinction of beliefs, age, sex, social level, we spread the
t eachings of the Rabbi of Lubavit, through the Habad Hasidut, acronym for the
erms Hohma (wisdom), Bina (understanding), Daat (knowledge). To put it
simply, to adopt the Habad philosophy is to adhere to the principle that
our thoughts guide our language from which our actions flow. By taking
part daily in the community life in which we are involved, we measure how
many needs in social action are felt. This is why we have chosen to provide
our help by setting up personal services to help vulnerable people and families
experiencing difficulties in the various daily tasks.
our publications
the Beth Habad Marseille Center publishes its own collection of thematic guides under the name of the essential
guides dedicated to the main mitzvot and Jewish holidays, distributed at community gatherings and available all year round in our centers located rue St Suffren and rue Paradis - 13006 Marseille
our distribution
+ 3000 boxes of chmoura matsa distributed on the occasion of Pesach to realize the mitzvah of eating matsa chemura during the Passover seder
our events
5000 boxes of candles distributed each year in order to light nehot for Shabbos and Jewish holidays
at every party, a unique & different commitment from Purim to Hanukkah through Sukkot or even Roch Hacahana and Tu Bishvat, we take pleasure in rejoicing every Jew
d'années en années, la représentation exceptionnelle à destination de la communauté se veut un moment incontournable, attendu par les familles juives marseillaises dans un moment unique de liesse et ferveur
le grand DEFILE de Hanoukiot sur voitures
chaque année, nous répandons la lumière du miracle de la fête de Hanouka dans les rues de Marseille, pour un moment de célébration festive et collective, dans une liesse communautaire qui donne souvenirs, émotions et joie à tous les participants à l'une des plus grandes parades d'Europe